Who can participate in FMS exam? - FMS Exam FAQ''s

Who can participate in FMS exam? To know who is eligible to write FMS exam then participants has to read FMS exam FAQ’s. As you know that to write any entrance exam any institute mention some FAQ’s to follow for candidates. In same way FMS   also have some FAQ’s those are Candidates must score 50% minimum marks in graduation after 12 years of prescribed education to be eligible for MBA.

Candidates appearing for their final year examination of bachelor degree they can also apply. If candidates looking to take admission to FMS doctoral programme for PhD admission. Applicant need to write CAT exam conducted by Indian institute of management.

If foreign national seeking admission for MBA and PhD courses. They need to apply application through the office of the Dy.dean conference center. Candidates need to complete their post-graduation or MPhil in related discipline with 55 % in aggregate. Scores should not be less than minimum marks. The candidates who have scored 70% in Btech and MBBS are eligible to apply.

CAT exam score will be considered for MBA admission. Whoever has not taken CAT exam they are not eligible for admission. Candidates who are looking forward for admission in the aforementioned programs or cources.They supposed to appear in Common Admission Test (CTA) conducted by IIM. If applicant won’t perform well in entrance exam candidates will not qualify for admission.

Candidates should have at least 3 years’ experience as an executive and an administrator in a commercial area after passing bachelor degree examination.

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